Monday, September 9, 2013

Honey Cinnamon Nutmeg Face Mask

A little Monday skin pick me up!

¼ Cup Raw Organic Honey
2 Tablespoons Nutmeg
1 Tablespoon Cinnamon
Combine the honey, nutmeg, and cinnamon together in a mixing bowl. Warm the honey up for a few seconds to make it easier to stir. Don’t warm the honey too long or it can burn your skin. Once all the ingredients are blended well together and you have formed a good paste, apply the face mask to your clean face and neck, avoiding the eye area. Leave this mask on for about 25 minutes then rinse the treatment off with warm water. Gently pat your skin dry with a hand towel and apply an oil-free moisturizer to your face and neck.
This facial mask is perfect for dealing with acne flare-ups. You can use this mask twice a week but for some this may be too much because cinnamon can cause irritation if used every day – Once a week should do the trick.
Honey contains numerous antimicrobial properties and is a natural antioxidant. Honey fights microbial infections that cause acne without irritating your skin further. Honey is also packed with antibacterial properties that will fight acne-causing bacteria and infections, stopping them dead in their tracks. Since acne-causing bacteria, excess oil, and dead skin cells can get trapped in the pores of the skin, this sweet goodness gently pulls out those impurities from your pores that would normally stay clogged and cause pimples to form.  Honey will also help restore your skin’s texture and reduce damage done to your skin by the sun and daily environments you come in contact with. It will reduce redness and inflammation from acne and other skin conditions as well.
Nutmeg is wonderful when used as a spot treatment for pimples. It reduces inflammation, redness, and acne-causing bacteria. It will dry out the pimples quickly and with no further irritation to the skin. Nutmeg is much safer than using a topical acne treatment that contains ingredients like benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid.
Cinnamon works to kill acne by drying out the affected area and brings blood and oxygen to the surface to open the pores and unclog the bacteria and excess oil that settle there. A little goes a long way so don’t overdo it on the cinnamon. This face mask will show immediate results by leaving the skin feeling soft and smooth, while appearing noticeably less inflamed and reducing redness.

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